Research project, financed by the Austria Science Fund (FWF, Project P 30790-G25)

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Publications on hydraulic mining in Wales, England and Schottland


Ancel, B., Cauuet, B., Cowburn, I., The Dolaucothi Gold Mines Carmathenshire (Wales, U.K.). Archaeological Appraisal, Franco-British Team, Intermediate Report 2000.


Annels, A. E., Burnham, B., C. (eds), The Dolaucothi Gold Mines, Cardiff 1995.


Barri Jones, G., D., Lewis, P., R., The Dolaucothi Gold Mines. Bonner Jahrbücher 171, 1971, 288-300.


Boon, G. C., Williams, C., The Dolaucothi Drainage Wheel. The Journal of Roman Studies 56, Parts 1 and 2, 1966, 122-127.


Burnham, B., C., Dolaucothi Revisited. Bulletin of the Peak District Mining Historical Society 12/3, 1994, 41-47.


Burnham, B., C., Roman Mining at Dolaucothi: The Implications of the 1991-3 Excavations near Carreg Pumsaint. Britannia 28, 1997, 325-336.


Burnham, B., Burnham, H., Dolaucothi-Pumsaint. Survey and excavations at a Roman gold-mining complex 1987-1999. Oxford 2004.


Hughes, St., The Hushing Leats at Cwmystwyth. Bulletin of the Peak District Mining Historical Society 12/3, 1994, 48-53.


Hughes, St., Mining Waterpower Leats in Wales. In: P. Claughton (ed.), Water Power in Mining. Papers Presented at the National Association of Mining History Organisation Conference at Aberystwith, 5-8 July 2002. Mining History 15, Nos. 4/5, 2004, 1-10.


Lewis, P. R., The Ogofau Roman Gold Mines at Dolaucothi, The National Trust Yearbook 1976-77, 1977, 20-35.


Lewis, P., R., Jones, G., D., B., The Dolaucothi Mines I: The Surface Evidence. The Antiquaries Journal 49, Issue 02, 1969, 233-272.


Mattingly D., Orejas, A., Less obvious Imperial Landscapes: Distant Britania and Hispania. In: A. Orejas, D. Mattingly, Clavel-Lévêque (eds.), From present to past through landscape. Madrid 2009, 119-147.


Meier St., W., Römischer Goldbergbau auf Dolaucothi. Der Anschnitt 65, 2013, 130-144.


Pickin, J., Streaming and Hushing for Scottish Gold: The Archaeology of Early Gold Working at Leadhills and Wanlockhead. In: P. Claughton (ed.), Water Power in Mining. Papers Presented at the National Association of Mining History Organisation Conference at Abwerystwith, 5-8 July 2002. Mining History 15, Nos. 4/5, 2004, 83-86.


Timberlake, S., Early Leats and Hushing Remains. Suggestions and Disputes of Roman Mining and Prospection for Lead. In: P. Claughton (ed.), Water Power in Mining. Papers Presented at the National Association of Mining History Organisation Conference at Aberystwith, 5-8 July 2002. Mining History 15, Nos. 4/5, 2004, 64-76.



Publications on hydraulic mining in Spain


Domergue C., Les mines de le Péninsule Iberique dans l’Antiquité Romaine. Collection de l´Ecole française de Rome 127, Rom 1990.


Domergue, C., Les exploitations hydrauliques romaines dans les dépôts alluviaux aurifères du Nord-Ouest de l’Espagne : Las Médulas et le Teleno (Province de León). À propos de publications récentes. In: J.-P. Bost (ed.), L'eau : usages, risques et représentations dans le Sud-Ouest de la Gaule et le Nord de la péninsule Ibérique, de la finde l'âge du Fer à l'Antiquité tardive (IIe s. a. C. -VIe s. p. C.). Collection Suppléments Aquitania 21, Bordeaux 2012, 111-140.


Domergue, C., Herail, G., Une méthode pour l' étude des mines antiques en alluvion: l'exemple des mines d'or romaines de la Valduerna (León, Espagne). Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 13, 1977, 9-30.


Domergue, C., Herail, G., Conditions de gisement et exploitation antique à Las Médulas (Espagne). Aquitania Supplement 9, 1999, 93-116.


Jones, R., F., Bird, D., G., Roman Gold-Mining in Northwestern Spain, II: Workings on the Rio Duerna. Journal of Roman Studies 62, 1972, 59-74.


Lewis, P., R., Jones, G., D., B., Roman Gold-Mining in North-West Spain. Journal of Roman Studies 60, 1970, 169-185.


López, D. G., Minas de oro romanas Las Médulas, Trobajo del Camino (Léon) 2005.


Mattingly D., Orejas, A., Less obvious Imperial Landscapes: Distant Britania and Hispania. In: A. Orejas, D. Mattingly, Clavel-Lévêque (eds.), From present to past through landscape. Madrid 2009, 119-147.


Orejas, A., Sanchez-Palencia, F., J., Mines, Territorial Organization, and Social Structure in Roman Iberia: Carthago Nova and the Peninsular Northwest. American Journal of Archaeoloy  106/4, 2002, 581-599.


Sánchez-Palencia, F. J., Fernández-Posse, M. D., Fernández Manzano, J., Orejas, A., La zona arqueológica de Las Médulas. Ponferrada (Léon) 1999.


Sánchez-Palencia, F. J., Orejas, A., Fernández-Posse, M. D., Ruiz del Árbol, M., Sastre, I., Las Médulas (Léon, Spain). A Rural and Mining Landscape. In: Ch. Bartels, M. Ruiz del Árbol, H. von Londen, A. Orejas (eds.), Landmarks – Profiling Europe’s Historic Landscapes,  Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 158, Bochum 2008, 113–124.


Wahl-Clericz, R., Das Territorium Metallorum Tres Minas/Jales in Nordportugal. Acta Carnuntinum 8/2, 2018, 26-55.



General publications on hydraulic mining


Bird, D., Pliny`s Arrugia. Water Power in Roman Gold-Mining. In: P. Claughton (ed.), Water Power in Mining. Papers Presented at the National Association of Mining History Organisation Conference at Aberystwith, 5-8 July 2002. Mining History 15, Nos. 4/5, 2004, 58-63.


Domergue, C., Les Mines Antiques. La production des métaux aux époques grecques et romaine, Paris 2008.


Davies, O. Roman Mining in Europe. Oxford 1935.


Griffith, Alluvial Prosepcting and Mining. London 1960.


Healy, J., F., Mining and Metallurgy in the Greek and Roman World. London 1978.


Wilson, A., Machines, Power and the Ancient Economy. The Journal of Roman Studies 92, 2002, 1-32.