Research project, financed by the Austria Science Fund (FWF, Project P 30790-G25)

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The general geological setting of the mining site will be studied in detail. These studies will include a detailed description of the auriferous sediment (Loipersbacher Rotlehmserie) and how and when it was deposited as well as proving the primary source area of the gold containing bedrock. Analyzing the gold content of the deposit can only be done on a very limited scale due to the nature of the deposit - the gold is almost certainly unevenly distributed. Samples will be taken from the sediment along the surface mining pits and the washing sites. By analyzing the sediment the content of gold should be detected, as well as the source area of the auriferous bedrock be located. Deposits of sediment along the opencast pits and the washing areas will be studied to differentiate between natural and anthropogen deposition of the sediment. A further aspect of the geological studies is the reconstruction of the volume of material removed by hydraulic mining. In order to achieve this the original topography will be reconstructed with the help of detailed maps of each opencast site and comparisons with the topography undisturbed by human activity. Based on these data it will be possible to roughly calculate the amount of material that had been removed from the mining sites, maybe even the amount of mined gold and the profitabilty of the mines.




Mag. Günther Weixelberger

Allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zerifizierter Sachveständiger


Geologie Weixelberger GmbH

Hauptplatz 28

A-2823 Pitten

